A new company in the Veneto region, Gilpeg Industries revolutionizes the market of the livestock transport
Practically without competitors, a young man from the Veneto regions breaks away from the family and invents a new product that arouses enthusiasm. The sector: the transport of livestock. The idea: a truck body that can be mounted from a kit (like Ikea).
The fantasy of the venetians, intuition, passion, volunteer to sacrifice, courage to risk, all this characterizes the new generations of entrepreneurs in Veneto. Thanks to the experience of over 50 years in the sector of coach building of livestock transport, in 2006 a new, innovative company was found in Veneto. Facing the market’s demand, Gilberto Pegoraro, founder and art son, already owner with his father of the European leading company in the market segment, with a winning intuition has projected, produced and industrialized the first kit for the truck body in kit for 35 to 180 quintals.
Can you explain in what consists the patent?
It’s a unique product worldwide. It consists in a kit which is assembled in the company, in the headquarters of Rossano Veneto, it’s delivered to the coachbuilder customer in order to be mounted and delivered in very short terms to the final user. The originality and the innovation is in fact to deliver a product to assemble in kit, reducing the transport costs and the realization terms. The product, difficult to develop, has no competitor. Nothing on the market can be in no way comparable.
Who is it for?
Gilpeg Industries, this is the name of the company, addresses itself towards coachbuilders in Italy and Europe and has been created with the objective to deliver to the end customer a norm based quality product, extremely light and adaptable to any vehicle, in short time and with an exceptional quality/ price relationship.
Which technical datas?
Some of the technical data and the plus of the product give the idea of the value of the project: product completely in aluminium 6005, self standing frame, put on bars which slide on ingrounded lanes . In this way, step and length of the vehicle are unconstrained to the truck frame. The transfers from vehicle to vehicle are very fast and not cost spending for the end users. The whole system has been thought for the well being of the animals: the premilled ground on a very high grip, the rails on the ramp and the extruded steps which help the climbing and the journey and the isolated roof.
Which are the feedbacks?
The validity of the idea is comforted by the datas of the large number of demands from all over Europe. The satisfaction of the customer is constantly measured through precise indicators so to implement more and more the quality of the product but over all in order to adapt it to the needs of the client.
Gilpeg intends to offer not only a product but its own know-how, considering the clients true partners.
Changing argument. What do you think of the generation change in the company, the handover from father to son?
I read often that this is considered a problem, especially in our region. But not all young people, sons of company owners I mean, have the same uninterested attitude towards the family company. I heritated from my father the will of doing business, the desire of sacrifice, the strength of believing in a dream. From him I learned that in order to achieve result, hard work needs to be done, you need to have the right idea, to sell it well, but above all, treat everybody honestly.
What do you suggest to the old generations?
To find the idea and not to fear to try.
To do, like my father did, who unfortunately is not with us anymore. Teach the work starting from the base, staying in contact with the production and the product. Being a worker, a warehouse operator, a technician and further and further, learning about all aspects of the activity. To give a commensurate gain to the work and not to the fact being “the son of the boss”. To learn what it means to restart from the beginning and to have the courage and the humility. To found my own company has been like to honour his teachings..